Paisley recently had her 4 month visit with the doctor. She is actually about 4 1/2 months, but with the holidays it pushed our visit a little later. Unfortunately, Paisley only got to sleep about 20 minutes before we went and the visit was right in the middle of her nap time. Needless to say, she was not happy to see him. She is usually sooo mellow and happy, but boy...she DID NOT want that strange man to hold her!! He asked me if I had any concerns and I mentioned the obvious eczema all over her little face and body and mentioned that I was wondering about her leg strength...(she doesn't really use her legs to push off when I bounce her) so he took a look at her and described her as FLOPPY! ugh! So, he recommended that we do a consultation with a physical therapist to see if she qualifies. They are suppose to contact me sometime this week, but we are crossing our fingers and hopeful the she wont be a candidate. In the mean time Paisley and I are practicing our aerobics! She is getting very good at the bicycle :) I've been trying to give her even more tummy time and putting her in her play yard. She also likes to sit up in bumpee chair and play with her toys. We have just been having so much fun with her and adore her to pieces.
Do you have a bouncer that hangs from the door frame or walker? Maybe that would help strengthen her legs. When I was looking at all the pictures I was thinking that she sure has a strong little neck. Her head is not "floppy". I think one of Pauline's twins had major issues standing on her legs. It took work and time to correct it. She is so flippen cute!!!!
She's not Floppy! Poor little Pais...
Do you have a bouncer that hangs from the door frame or walker? Maybe that would help strengthen her legs. When I was looking at all the pictures I was thinking that she sure has a strong little neck. Her head is not "floppy". I think one of Pauline's twins had major issues standing on her legs. It took work and time to correct it. She is so flippen cute!!!!
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