I have been continuing to struggle with the eczema all over poor little Paisley's body and especially her face. On top of that she has been tearing her face to shreds adding all kinds of scratches to the already swollen eczema. I'm sure people will be sending family services my way soon to investigate! I've been slowly trying to eliminate possibilities that could be contributing to the problem. Recently I considered that she could be allergic to the milk protein in her formula. So I have been giving her a hypoallergenic kind that is NOT cheap! She has only been on it since Saturday and I just ran out today. This is going to be one expensive chick. I think I might be starting to notice a difference, but it's really not for sure if its the formula that is doing it. What I have noticed, is that since I've starting giving it to her she is waking up in the middle of the night wanting to eat, and not taking very long naps anymore. UGH! I went to the health food store the other day to buy some herbs to help me build my milk back up again. WHAT A CHORE!! I have to find the time to start pumping again to build my milk back up from scratch. We'll see how thatgoes...
I took these yesterday and I think she must be the most adorable little thing ever~
Second child flew the coop
7 years ago