Paisley celebrated her first Halloween today! We didn't actually go anywhere, but I had her in
her costume long enough to snap a few shots! Stan and I just stayed in and scarfed down some cookies. Halloween is one holiday that I don't get real excited for. I love the dressing up part, and seeing all the cute trick or treaters, but I really don't care for all the scary stuff! I got an email the other day entitled, "so, funny". Here I was watching a girl ride around on her bike waiting for her to run into a pole or something when out of nowhere this awful, screaming horror face pops up. I just about died! "NO THANK YOU!!! I was almost in tears, it scared me so bad. So, no scary movies or haunted houses for us...I can't even handle the dumb previews they put out for the scary movies these days. Thank goodness Stan doesn't like them either :) Have a Happy non-scary Halloween!